Interview with Just Kawz and Costa Besta about RETURN OF THE ZULU

Costa Besta rapper and musician from Durban currently based in Cape Town has a new track and music video out with Vancouver Canada based beat maker JustZawz. The music video is full of colourful trippy landscapes created, filmed and edited by the talented Justin Mcgee at Patrick Mcgee green screen studio in Durban South Africa featuring all original PatternNation clothing, Blobs and illustraions. Over a year since CostaBesta and Sound Taboo’s album Bantu Rhythm Rap dropped Costa is returning with this fire house track Return of the Zulu. Below is an interview with Just Kawz and Costa Besta by PatternNation’s Cydney Eva. 

What inspired the sound behind the track? 

Costa Besta: when I first heard the instrumental, I was chilling with Ryan (Just Kawz) and my brother in law Jeremy Paddon in the studio and I thought to myself ‘this sounds like the kind of house music i grew up listening to” called Mid Tempo House. As soon as I heard that, it hit home and so I asked Ryan if I could jump on it and he was down for a collaboration. The track is about me being at ease with myself and always evolving in my everyday experience. The title “The Return of the Zulu” came about because it was recorded in Vancouver Canada and Ryan (JustKawz) featured me, a South African Zulu artist all the way from KwaZulu Natal. Now I have returned with some heat.

Just Kawz: At the time I was really into the funk/mid tempo house sound. Whenever I get into the studio I try to experiment with all the gear in the room, no direction, just a lot of live jamming. This track came together so quickly and the soundscape fell into place so naturally. I showed Costa a couple beats and this one really stuck out to him, in a few minutes he was already writing and by the end of the session we had the whole track finished. 

What was it like to collaborate with each other?

Costa Besta: The collaboration was super natural, respect was mutual and we understood what we both wanted towards the project. Ryan was cool with whatever suggestions I came up with and vice versa. 

Just Kawz: Amazing, Costa is so talented and his delivery when we recorded felt effortless. I love working with artists that feel comfortable and confident so working together was smooth and exciting! 

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Being from different places Vancouver and Durban on opposite sides of the globe do you think it added to the project? Do you think where you're from comes out in the music you make?

Costa Besta: Yes, My upbringing and knowledge is what fuels the energy and will to write about what i've experienced in my everyday life through positive lyricism. Sometimes I’d simply write songs because I feel like testing as many different Rhythms as I could come up with. The flow of the beat and the flow of my rhymes over the beat just makes me keep writing a whole lot more.

Just Kawz: Definitely, we all grow up listening to different music. The music that was shown to me early on shaped my ears. The palette has only become more diverse over the years and that's another thing that's so amazing when it comes to working with other artists from around the world. You’re exposed to new sounds, rhythms and musical structures that change your taste.

Where can we find your music online and are there any other projects you want readers to know about? 

CostaBesta: They will find all my music including the new single on all the music platforms (spotify, itunes, google play, tidal etc).

Please follow @CostaBesta on Facebook, Instagram

Just Kawz: My music is on all streaming platforms  (Spotify, Apple Music, Tibal, Google Play, Youtube etc)

Instagram: @Just.Kawz

My bandcamp page also has all my releases as well as some exclusive content/merch

Bandcamp: JustKawz

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Return of the Zulu

Beat produced by JustKawz @just.kawz (Vancouver Canada)

Rapper/ Performer: Costa Besta @costabesta (Cape Town South Africa)

Videography, Editing and Effects: Justin Sweat Face Mcgee @sweatface (Durban South Africa) 

Clothing, Illustrations and Blobs: PatternNation @patern.nation (Cydney Eva @cydeva and Costa Besta)

Dancers: Ratsholo Mahlatsi @the_mahlatsi_creations , Cydney Eva and Costa Besta 

Location: Patrick Mcgee Studios Durban South Africa

Article by Cydney Eva

Music, FilmCydney PaddonComment