Interactive Play Sculptures
PatternNation play sculptures or blobs are a unique element to what PatternNation can offer events, festivals, art galleries and more. They are abstract shapes sewn from repurposed clothing, fabric scraps and silkscreened fabric and then filled with balloons. They are interactive, playful and safe for all ages. PatternNation Blobs have been installed at various galleries, pop up shops, festivals and events since their launch in 2016. These reusable play sculptures are great for family-oriented events as children love to play with them and can also work well at night clubs as space activation. PatternNation’s Blob installation can be hired for events or purchased for permanent installation in your space. PatternNation blobs are very versatile and can be installed indoor or outdoors. Past Blob installations include: Vancouver Mural Festival, Nelson International Mural Festival, Sechelt Arts Festival, Granville Promenade Vancouver, Circles Festival Vancouver, Port Coquitlam Community Center, Connective Clouds Vancouver, Materialize London, Assemblage Gallery Johannesburg, Vancity Street, Chocolate Jungle Montreal, Art in the Park North Vancouver, Station Drive First Thursday Durban, I Heart Market Durban, Museum of Vancouver, KZNSA Gallery, James Black Gallery, and The Cause London.
If you are interested in Purchasing a custom-made set of BLOBs please CONTACT US