Lesotho Fashion Week


There was a call out for designers around Africa to come and showcase their clothing on a Fashion show hosted in Lesotho called “ Lesotho Fashion Week”, we signed up and we were chosen to participate. The venue that hosted the event was Mpilo Boutique Hotel.We made a new range for the Fashion Show and we took a road trip to Lesotho.

Our Brand is about inclusivity, everyone is accommodated regardless of your race, weight, height, ethnicity or gender.

We Kindly requested a variety of individuals to model for us, from oversized models to dancers, our runway was pretty interesting because the dancers wanted to do a little choreography as they were strutting along the ramp.

The choreography was divided into three, the first one was the Pantsula dancers that did a little performance, then it was a solo of a Hip hop dancer which transitioned into a partner dancing with all of the models.

We later came out with the rest of the models onto the runway to thank everyone for coming through to show their support.