patternNation classes/ murals for youth
We offer dynamic art courses and workshops for youth to encourage them to express their individuality and explore their imaginations.
We are offering courses in Vancouver Canada October 19th - Nov 2nd with Art Starts
please Contact Us for bookings in Vancouver & Durban.
what we can offer in our courses
Make a Custom Hoodie
Students will alter fabrics through painting, tie dye, silk screening and more that will be cut and sewn into a custom hoodie in their size by the PatternNation Facilitators.
Paint a mural or mural panel
We will workshop painting and pattern making techniques with the youth. We can paint a mural with the youth in communities or each student will paint a 4 foot by 4 foot ply wood mural panel with their own unique pattern design. If we have the opportunity to paint a wall mural or large panel the youth with work together to make a group design
Create a wearable arts piece
One of the ways we explore the imagination is by creating a wearable art/ fashion piece with the youth. They will be taught how to paint, upcycle and reinvent garments to create their own unique sustainable look. The students will complete a photoshoot and runway show in the look they create.
Model in a Photoshoot
All of the students will participate in a photoshoot showcasing their wearable art piece in front of their mural panel or group mural. We will work with a professional photographer to create the highest quality images that will be showcased during the gallery alongside the student’s mural panels. The Youth will take home the high-quality print from this shoot after the show closes.
Walk in a Runway show
During the final show imagination exploration students will walk or dance their wearable art piece down the runway for their friends and family to see. We work with professional dancers and runway coaches to give the kids the confidence and direction they will need to showcase their new designs with style.
Play with PatternNation Blobs
PatternNation interactive play sculptures aka blobs will be installed for the youth and their communities to enjoy during the gallery show. Blobs are made from upcycled fabric, filled with balloon and fun for people of all ages to play in.
Express though Movement and Dance
Youth get a chance to learn street style dance forms, such as waacking, hip hop, house, pantsula and more! Working with our international team of teachers we can incorporate self expression through movement in any of our classes or workshops.
Learn to DJ, Beatbox, Singing or Rap
PatternNation’s Costa Besta in collaboration with some of our other guest teachers will facilitate the youth in learning musical skills such as Djing, Beatboxing, Singing and Rapping. They will get an opportunity to showcase these shows in the final showcase after every course or workshop.
Register NOW
Register for Imagination Exploration Youth Intensive by CONTACTING us or emailing
Teachers / About
PatternNation is a visual art, fashion and culture platform founded in 2015 by artist Cydney Eva Pattern. The platform is based between Vancouver Canada and Durban South Africa and is run by Cydney (Vancouver) and CostaBesta (Durban). PatternNation has previously painted murals on Pegasus Children’s Theatre in Oxford UK, Pondo Bridge in Port Saint Johns South Africa and Vidyadaan Primary School in Bangalore. We have worked with youth through our interactive blob installations at North Vancouver’s Art in the Park and I Hear Market in Durban. PatternNation offered our first 6 week art course working with youth in Vancouver through Art Starts in Oct/Nov 2018.
Which teachers work on each project with us depends on where the course takes place, the content we are teaching, budget and availability of our teachers. Our team of teachers is always growing depending on where the courses are offered.
PatternNation’s Core Teachers:
Cydney Eva Pattern and Costa Besta
PatternNation’s Canadian Teachers
Katy Slany, Brotha Jason, Kevin Fraser, Maggie MacPherson, Cydney Eva and Leah Mcfly.
PatternNation’s South African Teachers
CostaBesta, TJ Jali, Dylan Smith, Cydney Eva, Rabit Mahlatsi